Big Data: MapReduce and Hadoop



The world of MapReduce and Hadoop in “Big Data” have hundreds of different technologies in the market. With this course, you’ll not only understand what those systems are and how they fit together but, you’ll go hands-on and learn how to use them to solve real business problems. This course is comprehensive, covering over 25 different technologies delivered through video lectures. It’s filled with hands-on activities and exercises, so you get some real experience in using Hadoop and MapReduce. At the end of this course, you may expect to learn the course with a real, deep understanding of Hadoop and MapReduce along with its associated distributed systems and you can apply them to real-world problems.

  • Understand how MapReduce can be used to analyze big data sets
  • Write your own MapReduce jobs using Python and MRJob
  • Run MapReduce jobs on Hadoop clusters using Amazon Elastic MapReduce
  • Chain MapReduce jobs together to analyze more complex problems
  • Analyze social network data using MapReduce
  • Analyze movie rating data using MapReduce and produce movie recommendations with it.
  • Understand other Hadoop-based technologies, including Hive, Pig, and Spark
  • Understand what Hadoop is for, and how it works

It is possible that you desire to celebrate your accomplishment in completing courses in our reskilling programme by receiving relevant, verifiable, nationally recognized and internationally accredited professional qualifications (digital copy) that correspond to the course(s) you had undertaken and successfully concluded. This is possible at an affordable fee as follows: 

  1. Completed one course –  Eligible for PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE (FOUNDATION LEVEL) @ 29 Euro only 
  2. Completed two courses – Eligible for PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE (PRACTITIONER LEVEL)  @ 39 Euro only 
  3. Completed three courses – Eligible for PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE (EXPERT LEVEL) @ 49 Euro only 
  4. Completed four courses – Eligible for PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE (MASTER LEVEL) @ 59 Euro only 
  5. Completed five courses – Eligible for PROFESSIONAL DIPLOMA @ 69 Euro only 
  6. Completed six courses – Eligible for PROFESSIONAL HIGHER DIPLOMA @ 79 Euro only
  7. Completed seven courses – Eligible for PROFESSIONAL POST GRADUATE CERTIFICATE @ 89 Euro only 
  8. Completed eight courses – Eligible for PROFESSIONAL POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA @ 99 Euro only 

To request for a digital copy award, please contact: [email protected]

Note: Since you are permitted to select the course(s) that are most useful to your own job roles, the specialization field mentioned on the qualification ordered will be determined by you. In other words, you would decide what to call your qualification. For example, if you had completed three courses, namely, Body Language for Professional Success, Public Speaking, and Workplace Communication, you could then choose to request your award to be granted with the name ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SKILLS, or PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS, or any others, as per your own liking and choice. Hence, your full qualification will be called “PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE (EXPERT LEVEL) in ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SKILLS”


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